Sunday, August 14, 2016

Spring in Japan: Kiyomizu-dera

April 9, 2015
4th day

We woke up as early as possible since it was my mom's last day in Japan. Her trip back to Manila was at night. We went to Kiyomizu-dera since it's just one bus ride away.

The walk going up the temple was a bit tiring and challenging, especially when I had to keep an eye on my mom to make sure I don't lose her in the very crowded gojozaka.

Kiyomizu-dera, being a popular tourist spot, was busy. We had to stop and rest for a while before heading to the temple's main deck. I took this opportunity to take some snaps.

And here's the view from the temple's main deck. I had to wait for a while to get a good spot and take this photo.

There's another temple!

I saw a spot where I believe is to be the best spot to take a photo of Kiyomizu-dera (which is basically the same as most photos of what google will give you if you try searching for this The path was on the mountainside and has railings overlooking the temple grounds where the Otowa waterfall is. I don't think I'm giving you an exact desciption so I'll let the photos speak for now.

another one of the millions of photos of Kiyomizu-dera from this viewpoint

awesome pillars of Kiyomizu-dera

overlooking the city of Kyoto

LOL. my mom was giggling because she was really nervous being close to the railings. cute!

The path leads down to the Otowa falls and temple grounds where there were shops offering tea and sweets. We fell in line on the Otowa falls, the other attraction of this temple. There were three streams believed to bring good fortune in different aspects - academic achievement, fortunate lovelife and longevity. We don't know which streams is for which aspect though. To drink from it, one has to use a long pole with a cup at the end to get water from only one of the three streams, because drinking from all three is considered greedy. These long poles with cups are then returned to a shelf-like space on the side with ultraviolet rays that supposedly clean these cups for the next user. As usual, awesome Japanese stuff. Hehe. I explained to my mom what to do and let her fall in line first so I can document her experience and vice versa.

She drank from the right side stream
I drank from the center stream

Walked a bit more around and took photos.

We left a little past one and looked for a restaurant so we can have lunch before going back to the guesthouse and then to the airport. We saw this small resto at the end of Gojozaka and decided to have lunch there. It was a nice little restaurant ran by a nice Ojiisan. My mom ordered tempura and I ordered curry udon and paired it with lemon soaked soda. Everything was sooo good!

Gojozaka was even more crowded on our way down

cute window display


my oh so good curry udon

There was a sad moment between me and my mom on our way to the airport, and I really felt bad about it, and still feel bad whenever I remember it, but was so happy we get to resolve it before she left for Manila. Hehe. I love you, mame! I'll miss you for 2 days.

Haruka train ride

We had dinner after checking in her luggage.

sayonara, okaasan!manira ni aimasu,ne?

I connected her tablet to the airport's wifi so we can talk on messenger. After making sure that she's at the boarding gate, she told me to go back to Kyoto already since it was getting late.

And solo trip adventure begins. Teehee!♥

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